Harnessing ideas and driving collaborative design & development of
Resolve based Technology
Rooted by
Sustainable Development Goals
Enhancing social, ecologic & economic resilience
Resolve based Technology
Rooted by
Sustainable Development Goals
Enhancing social, ecologic & economic resilience
Because innovation doesn't happen in silos & sustainability issues are countless. Ingenuity lies in all of us and too often individual endeavors hit a brick-wall (protectionism, financial barriers, etc.). We believe collective (crowd based) ingenuity and development can accelerate transition of innovative concepts towards sustainable solutions. The potential for crowd based innovation is huge. Let's use our top-down understanding of issues that surround us, and stimulate bottom-up development as a crowd.
Because innovation doesn't happen in silos & sustainability issues are countless. Ingenuity lies in all of us and too often individual endeavors hit a brick-wall (protectionism, financial barriers, etc.). We believe collective (crowd based) ingenuity and development can accelerate transition of innovative concepts towards sustainable solutions. The potential for crowd based innovation is huge. Let's use our top-down understanding of issues that surround us, and stimulate bottom-up development as a crowd.
B-STaR is a foundation positioned as a platform, owned by the crowd. It supports ideation & collaborative concept development for sustainable solutions to regional challenges (resolve) linked to global goals [SDG-2030]
B-STaR breaks down broad goals into bite-size technology based solutions, and connects 'crowd-based-concepts' with SME's, local government, private sector stakeholders and local change-makers, in order to turn these concepts into resolve based Innovation.
These innovations (tech improvement, products, services) can be implemented as 'sponsored projects' or 'new (social) business' in a stakeholder- collaborative driven by the resolve it sets out to accomplish.
Help drive Sustainable Development from the ground up!
B-STaR is a foundation positioned as a platform, owned by the crowd. It supports ideation & collaborative concept development for sustainable solutions to regional challenges (resolve) linked to global goals [SDG-2030]
B-STaR breaks down broad goals into bite-size technology based solutions, and connects 'crowd-based-concepts' with SME's, local government, private sector stakeholders and local change-makers, in order to turn these concepts into resolve based Innovation.
These innovations (tech improvement, products, services) can be implemented as 'sponsored projects' or 'new (social) business' in a stakeholder- collaborative driven by the resolve it sets out to accomplish.
Help drive Sustainable Development from the ground up!
A particular idea or concept can have a multitude of (potential) Sustainability Merits that connect with Topics and Cross Cutting Themes. These merits are marked within a matrix, as depicted below.
1. Global Innovators / Students / Local change makers / ...
Anyone with a great idea can upload and expose it to the crowd and gain new insights (technological, social-economic, demographic). Collaborate, shape concepts, support other ideas and more. You have an sustainable technology idea, please share! Vertical Divider
2. Local Government / Private sector / Concerned citizens /...
Upload regional sustainability challenges, expose issues, reach out to innovators, get feedback and a potential string of ingenious crowd based proposals and concepts linked to your issues and challenges. You have a regional issue that needs resolve, please share! |
Have a look at our Community Page for more ways to get involved
All developments initiated and supported by B-STaR have Resolve as motive. A Design Collaborative that leads to an established technology, product or innovation, will have shared ownership of its Novelty & Impact.
* Uncover the potential of your ideas [Idea Box] through crowd exposure.
* Contextualize a crowd based ideas into [Concepts].
* Support the creation of partnerships with a wide range of organizations & individuals.
* Create an innovation team for collaborative design projects aiming to kick-start resolve based business or innovation [Design Projects].
* Uncover the potential of your ideas [Idea Box] through crowd exposure.
* Contextualize a crowd based ideas into [Concepts].
* Support the creation of partnerships with a wide range of organizations & individuals.
* Create an innovation team for collaborative design projects aiming to kick-start resolve based business or innovation [Design Projects].