Food Security
Three main ambitions emerge: source food grown regeneratively, and locally where appropriate; make the most of food (use by-products more effectively, prevent waste); design and market healthier food. These three ambitions will have greater impact if pursued simultaneously and by 2050 could unlock overall benefits worth USD 2.7 trillion a year. These take the form of environmental improvements, a reduction in health costs associated with pesticide use of USD 550 billion, and an economic opportunity for cities to reduce edible food waste and make better use of food by-products, worth USD 700 billion. Realising this vision will require an unprecedented level of collaboration across the entire value-chain and the connection of flagship city demonstration projects. |
How mattresses could solve hunger in Refugee camps
Syrian refugees at Zaatari camp in Jordan and scientists from the University of Sheffield are working together to create a way to grow healthy, fresh food with nothing but water and old mattress foam. BBC, Published: 12 Feb 2020 |
Transforming Food & Land Use
Despite a growing global population, more and more people enjoy affordable, safe and plentiful food. But dig deeper, and the end-to-end system losses are well over 50 percent as a result of poorly allocated land and water resources, slow diffusion of best farming practice beyond large farms, under-investment in rural infrastructure, human capital, food loss and waste amounting to one-third of primary production. Food and land use systems also generate “hidden” environmental, health and poverty costs estimated at almost $12 trillion a year, a number larger than the value of the system’s world output measured at market prices. Modeling carried out for this report shows that leaving food and land use systems on their current trajectory would put the SDGs and the Paris Agreement targets beyond reach. Catastrophes previously considered “tail end” risks, such as concurrent crop failures in several of the world’s main food-producing regions, would become increasingly likely, causing untold human misery. The Food and land use coalition, Sept 2019 |
Healthy Diets from Sustainable Food Systems (Summary)
Providing healthy diets to a growing world population from sustainable food systems is an immense challenge . While global food production of calories has generally kept pace with population growth, more than 820 million people still lack sufficient food, and many more consume either low-quality diets or too much food. Unhealthy diets now pose a greater risk to morbidity and mortality than unsafe sex, alcohol, drug and tobacco use combined. Global food production threatens climate stability and ecosystem resilience and constitutes the single largest driver of environmental degradation and transgression of planetary boundaries. Taken together the outcome is dire. A radical transformation of the global food system is urgently needed. Summary report of the EAT-Lancet Commision, Jan 2019 |
Trends in Marine Resources and Fisheries Management in Indonesia
A 2018 Review A global hotspot and priority for conversation, Indonesia has one of the highest levels of marine biodiversity in the world and is home to world-renown marine reserves. Despite victory in the campaign against IUU fishing by foreign boats, Indonesia’s existing fisheries management regime has so far shown only limited success in halting destructive fishing practices (including trawling) and limiting fishing effort fueled by the expanding physical resources and capacity devoted to lucrative wild capture fisheries. This report seeks to provide an information base to better understand the current context in Indonesia, particularly as it relates to the marine and fisheries sector. California Environmental Associates |
The State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World 2018 (in brief)
This report monitors progress towards the targets of ending both hunger (SDG Target 2.1) and all forms of malnutrition (SDG Target 2.2), and provides an analysis of the underlying causes and drivers of observed trends. While the prevalence of undernourishment is at the forefront of monitoring hunger, the prevalence of severe food insecurity – based on the Food Insecurity Experience Scale (FIES). FAO, IFAD, UNICEF, WFP and WHO. 2018 The State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World 2018. Building resilience for peace and food security. Rome, FAO. |
The State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World 2017
This report marks the start of a new era in monitoring progress towards achieving a world without hunger and malnutrition – an aim set by the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. The second Sustainable Development Goal is composed of eight targets, uniting hunger, food security, nutrition and sustainable agriculture under a single objective, compelling the international community to move towards an understanding of how they are interrelated and promoting integrated policy approaches and actions. The start of the 2030 Agenda coincided with the launch of the United Nations Decade of Action on Nutrition (2016–2025). FAO, IFAD, UNICEF, WFP and WHO. 2017. The State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World 2017. Building resilience for peace and food security. Rome, FAO. |
Why hunger is on the rise in the world, and what can be done about it
What are the factors behind the numbers rising? Is it due to climate change, with more droughts happening? Is it over population? Is it degradation of the planet leading to desertification, pollution and deforestation? Or does violence play the biggest role? To begin to answer these questions it’s important to understand the context, the causes and possible solutions. Peter Atkins, The Conversation, Oct. 2, 2017 |
2017 Global Food Policy Report (Book)
'IFPRI’s flagship report reviews the major food policy issues, developments, and decisions of 2016, and highlights challenges and opportunities for 2017 at the global and regional levels. This year’s report looks at the impact of rapid urban growth on food security and nutrition, and considers how food systems can be reshaped to benefit both urban and rural populations.' 2017 |
Andrea Borgarella / World Bank
Safety & Sustainability for Small-Scale Fishers in West Africa
Africa’s artisanal fishing communities need solutions to cope with diminishing returns from an already perilous livelihood. And while technology is revolutionizing sustainable fishery management, safety and transparency, small-scale fishers have been mostly on the outside of this movement. World Bank, Ghana, May 2016 |
Water Security
Water and Climate Change
The United Nations World Water Development Report 2020 Combining climate change adaptation and mitigation, through water, is a win-win-win proposal. First, it benefits water resources management and improves the provision of water supply and sanitation services. Second, it directly contributes to combating both the causes and impacts of climate change, including DRR. Third, it contributes, directly and indirectly, to meeting several of the Sustainable Development Goals (hunger, poverty, health, energy, industry, climate action and so on – not to mention SDG 6, the ‘water goal’ itself) and a host of other global objectives. |
Nature Based Solutions for water
The United Nations World Water Development Report 2018 Upscaling NBS will be central to achieving the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. NBS work with nature instead of against it, and thereby provide an essential means to move beyond business-as-usual to escalate social, economic and hydrological efficiency gains in water resources management. NBS show particular promise in achieving progress towards sustainable food production, improved human settlements, access to water supply and sanitation services, and water-related disaster risk reduction. |
©UNICEF Ethiopia/2017/Nahom Tesfaye
Drought in Africa 2017
Farmers, traders and consumers across East and Southern Africa are feeling the impact of consecutive seasons of drought that have scorched harvests and ruined livelihoods. Obi Anyadike, Nairobi, March 2017 |
Idea sharing & Social Inclusion
Fertile grounds of an Idea wasteland
"When it comes to ideas, especially the raw and ambitious ones, we tend to do a poor job tapping its biggest source. Can we (as people) embrace non restrictive idea sharing and are there ways in which open global innovation can start using the crowd when it comes to issues that affect all of us? " Briek Starink, 7 October 2019 |
Why sharing ideas publicly, makes you more competitive...
"Today's world is too complex for any one company to change an industry. So the best path forward is to create a movement of like-minded companies. How do you attract these brilliant partners? Sharing your idea publicly is a good start." Maarten Ectors, 22 July 2017 |
Older yet relevant articles
'FAO in the 21st century. Ensuring food security in a changing world', FAO, Rome 2011
'Urban Agriculture for sustainable poverty alleviation & food security', FAO,Oct. 2008
'FAO in the 21st century. Ensuring food security in a changing world', FAO, Rome 2011
'Urban Agriculture for sustainable poverty alleviation & food security', FAO,Oct. 2008
Data & Visualisation
Aquaduct | Water Risk (by: World Resource Institute)
Soil Erosion & Degradation (by: World Wildlife Fund)
Aquaduct | Water Risk (by: World Resource Institute)
Soil Erosion & Degradation (by: World Wildlife Fund)
Updates & Involvements
1 August 2018
MoU Signed between KDM (an organization that provides programs and services for street children) & B-Star combining efforts in the support of the 'Tempe Tujuan' challenge and business creation.
MoU Signed between KDM (an organization that provides programs and services for street children) & B-Star combining efforts in the support of the 'Tempe Tujuan' challenge and business creation.
4 April 2018
B-Star is now official partner of Foundation Katalysator and housed as platform within this foundation. Any funds for Design Project Development & Delivery will be managed by the B-Star team while conforming to the policies of the foundation we are now part of.
B-Star is now official partner of Foundation Katalysator and housed as platform within this foundation. Any funds for Design Project Development & Delivery will be managed by the B-Star team while conforming to the policies of the foundation we are now part of.
2 October 2017
B-Star Platform is online!!
B-Star Platform is online!!